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Do not underestimate the role of these fifteen bombers, cheap jordan shoes able once more than three hundred tons of bombs dropped into place two thousand five hundred kilometers away, is this era's most terrible war weapon. Ten pm after each other a good luck outside the cockpit toward the driver who raised his right thumb, and soon, the huge roar of the engine, the propeller rotates at high speed hogan ground launched into a shifting sand stone walk. Under the guidance of ground radar, the first aircraft b5 large bombers slip off the ground, into the sky, after ten minutes, fifteen bombers in the air to complete the formation of the airport, then flew toward the northern sky dark.

Reconnaissance radar signal receiver which two to four implementing electronic reconnaissance equipment,cheap jordan 11, radio communications surveillance receivers, azimuth measuring radiation and electromagnetic radiation to a tape recording machines and other advanced equipment, will provide the necessary warning bombers to avoid encountered German fighter fleet to intercept and strike. Eight thousand meters high in the air bomber formations, quickly flew from Turkish territory party, although German early warning radar station in a timely manner, but at night it is powerless - and then before that, about four or five Recce broke into the Turkish airspace, leaving many aluminum foil, leading German eludes radar feedback message is true.

The long-range bomber squadron targets are oil fields and refineries in Romania. Romania discovery of oil in the mid-century,cheap jordan for sale, after the mining of domestic and foreign capital, Baku, in addition to becoming Europe 's largest oil exporter outside. Romania 's oil fields, mainly in the vicinity of the outer West Vanya Alps, the main oil refining industry located in Ploiesti near the Danube tributaries while many roads at the junction of the Air Force from the nearest airport An Jiajun two thousand four hundred more than fifty kilometers, just in the b5 bomber combat radius.


