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With headquarters and hospital building in the emergence of violent explosions billowing smoke,cheap jordan shoes, shipyards and Sasebo naval aviation school district also been hit. Deal with the shipyard area five missiles, napalm weapons department all, this is mostly because the shipyard bungalow, no explosion penetration, the main purpose is a lot of anti- Japanese shipbuilding valuable talent. In the end, there are four five missiles hit their targets, the last one serious deviation, even fell on the East more than two hundred meters outside the terminal, where the ship will be docked at the laying of the ship hit into the fire cabinet.

Napalm firmly attached to buildings,cheap jordan 11, objects and body surface, burning, like maggots tarsal generally been going to burn until extinguished napalm. Sasebo Naval Aviation School is located in the southern coastal areas of Shandong mulberry uk gods, where the terrain is relatively flat, there is an area of ​​two square kilometers of the airport, driving for students to use land-based takeoff and landing. There is a platform in the East Sea exercises Hamamachi Northeast, in full accordance with the physical construction of aircraft carriers, after a period of land-based training, selecting the best part of the training participants will move here, as on the ship ready.

In order to eliminate these potential pilots,cheap jordan for sale, a total of four weapons Ministry of napalm missiles directed at campus fall, although only two middle of the goal, but two missiles deviate from the north and west of the mountain district of ignition, the autumn season dry climate, making the fire quickly filled the air, even as a fire, the entire aviation school wrapped into flames. The remaining dozen missiles, all fell flat Seto oil terminals along the continuous explosions, and whipped the flames quickly put Newport cho, Banting -cho, Hamamatsu -cho, etc. Pro ​​wrapped in flames and the smoke.


